Additional Resources

Research Handouts

We have many different tips for research. Click on the links below, or download our helpful pdfs about different research guides and tips and tricks.

Syllabus Statement

Instructors are welcome to copy and paste the text below into course syllabi, or adapt it to their needs:

Students at the University of Illinois have access to free, personalized research support through the Research Consultations at the Main Library. Research consultations offers individual consultations for any student at any stage in the research process, including brainstorming ideas or topics, forming search strategies, and more. For more information and to schedule an appointment, visit

Other Campus Resources

Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES)
DRES coordinates services for students with disabilities and provides services including adapted testing, accessible transportation, assistive technologies, and more.

Library Subject Specialists
Subject specialist librarians are great for research in higher level, subject specific, classes. If you need help with a more advanced research paper (especially for a 300 or 400 level class), you should make an appointment with your subject specialist librarian.

Speaking Center
The Speaking Center offers individual consultations for any student at any stage in the preparation process, including brainstorming ideas or topics, developing outlines and content, designing visual aids, practicing delivery, and more. Additionally, students can attend workshops focused on general speaking and presenting skills.

Student Assistance Center
The Student Assistance Center provides support for students dealing with issues that may be affecting their academic performance, including those related to health, course attendance, and more. They also direct students to other campus resources for more specialized support.

Writers Workshop
The Writers Workshop provides free writing assistance for students, faculty, and staff from all disciplines and at all stages of the writing process. The Workshop offers online appointments, in-person appointments, and evening drop-in hours.